
The player will need to address certain hazards in addition to generally managing their station. Hazards are often the results of certain events.


Fires are extremely hazardous, however they can only occur with Oxygen atmospheres. When a fire does break out, it will rapidly consume Oxygen from the room(s) it's within while increasing CO2. Fires will spread until they are extinguished.

While fires cannot occur within Hydrogen atmospheres, the presence of both Hydrogen and Methane means that there is a severe risk of explosion if a fire manages to breach a wall or door into a Hydrogen atmosphere. Fires can also cause explosions if they ignite certain Oxygen-producing systems.

Doors immediately close and lock to contain a fire. While fires can breach doors, they do so much slower than they spread within rooms; they can also breach walls, but are even slower to do so.


Explosions are extremely destructive events that will destroy systems, doors, walls, and breach exterior hulls, as well as instantly kill any aliens caught within them. Explosions are dampened by water.

If an explosion breaches doors/walls and results in an Oxygen atmosphere and Hydrogen atmosphere meeting, it will set off a secondary explosion, potentially resulting in a chain reaction. This is only possible if the breach is between two rooms that have otherwise not already been breached.

Explosions have a chance of extinguishing fires they touch, with that chance decreasing the further away from the point of ignition.


Should a door or wall fail for any reason between an Aquatic environment and either a Hydrogen or Oxygen atmosphere, the latter room will become flooded, while the water in the former will drop below necessary levels. Flooding can damage or destroy systems (Power systems and many Food systems are especially vulnerable).

Flooding extinguishing fires and suppresses many sources of explosions.

Hull breach

Hull breaches can be caused by fires, explosions, or other events. A room containing a hull breach immediately loses its atmosphere. Doors into the room close and lock automatically to contain the breach. Rooms cannot receive life support if the breached room is their only connection to life support systems.